The Stravinskyan white-note bustle of the opening bars of Jupiter ushers in a new mood. The offbeat tune seems to explode the easy-flowing, largely conjunct note-relations of the violin melody in Mercury.
Leo called Jupiter the Uplifter because it signifies happiness and abundance, expansion and bring a disposition of mirth, joyousness, hopeful and trustful, expectant and confident, and a desire for Devotion through service. Jupiter also leavens the mercurial, logical mind, bringing wisdom and understanding which promote nobility of thought and aspiration
JUPITER, the bringer of jollity. The exuberance of this movement shows itself not only in its tempo and rhythm but also in the multiplicity of subjects. You can count four, five or six of them, depending on whether you divide the first two into their component parts - they do behave like independent themes. Jupiter might well be designated as 'the English movement' because it shows how profoundly Holst was influenced by the folk music of his country. Certainly this is rustic English, music for a fair; there are crowds of people in it and infinite good spirits. The grand tune that ends the parade of themes has become the setting for a patriotic hymn with the words 'I vow to thee my country'.